How do I send a statement to my customer?

  1. Select the Customer from the Customer list
  2. Select Send Statement from the menu.
  3. Select a method to send the statement, and select Done to send.

This feature is available on the Pro or Enterprise plans only.

What will the statement show?

Street Invoice generates an “Open Items” statement for your customer. This statement will display:
  • invoices that have not been fully paid
  • payments that have not been fully applied to an invoice
  • credits that have not been fully refunded
  • refunds that have not been fully applied to a credit
  • the aging of the customer’s balance.

​An invoice is considered paid if a payment has been applied to it.
Partial payments will also be reflected in the statement.
See this article for help applying payments: How do I mark an invoice as Paid?

Note: In the Invoice Options, you can mark the Status of an Invoice as Paid. This option is provided for your convenience. However, it does not affect the customer’s balance, and the invoice will still be displayed in a Statement, until a payment has been applied to the invoice.

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