Automatic Monthly Statements via Email

This article is about automatic monthly statements via email, a feature that is included in the Enterprise version. To read about automatic monthly statements via postal mail, please see this article:

Street Invoice can send monthly statements via email to the customers you select, on the day of the month that you specify. You can also set a minimum balance due required for the customer to receive an automatic statement. Street Invoice will ensure that the customer receives the statement, unless you already sent a statement manually on the same day. Automatic monthly statements require the Street Invoice Enterprise plan.

How to enable:

  1. From the Settings Screen, select Preferences (System Preferences on the desktop).
  2. In the Automatic Monthly Statements section, enter the day of the month to send automatic statements. If 0 is entered, automatic statements will be disabled.
  3. Optional: You can set a minimum balance required for Street Invoice to send your customer an automatic monthly statement.
  4. Monthly Statements Via Email must be enabled for each individual customer:
       a) Select the Customer from the Customer List and select Edit.
       b) Select the Send Options tab, and in the Send via Email section, ensure that Monthly Statements is enabled.
      c) Ensure that an email address is selected for the customer.

What does the statement include?

Street Invoice generates an “Open Items” statement for your customer. This statement will display:
·         invoices that have not been fully paid
·         payments that have not been fully applied to an invoice
·         credits that have not been fully refunded
·         refunds that have not been fully applied to a credit
·         the aging of the customer’s balance.
​An invoice is considered paid if a payment has been applied to it.
Partial payments will also be reflected in the statement.

 This requires an Enterprise subscription
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