How do I create a new job for my customer in Street Invoice?
You can create customer jobs for use with your invoice, estimates and credits.
During Invoice Creation:
Tap the Settings icon to open the invoice options.
Tap the plus sign in the Jobs section on the right.
Enter the Job Name, and job site details.
From the Customer Details:
From the main screen, select Customers to open the Customer List.
Select the customer for which you would like to create the job.
Select Jobs Group from the menu.
Tap the plus sign (Add New) to add a new Job.
Enter the Job Name, and job site details.
Not available on legacy BlackBerry devices. Use the Windows desktop version to create Jobs.
Windows PC
1. From the main screen, select Customer to open the Customer List.
2. Select the customer for which you would like to create the job, and click Edit Customer.
3. Select Customer Jobs to open the customer job list.
4. Click New to add a new Job.
5. Enter the Job Site Name, and job site details.
6. For these changes to take effect on your mobile device, select Sync from the menu on the main screen (Android/BlackBerry PlayBook) or log out of Street Invoice and log in (BlackBerry Smartphone).